The National Human Rights Committee of Qatar believes that promoting and protecting human rights is a key to the advancement of society...
Your well being is very important for you, your work and your family. You should pay close attention to your health, especially if...
Qatar welcomes people from around the world to live and work in the country, often on a temporary basis...
This learning object is an introduction to using a cash machine (ATM). Learn the basics of using a cash machine and then try our cash machine...
This learning object covers the use of 'Mobile Money' services, an easy way to manage and transfer money using your mobile phone...
This learning object is an induction module for workers new to Qatar, It contains valuable information introducing you to Qatari life...
To reduce the spread of the Coronavirus (Coved 19), the Crisis Management Committee has issued a decision to close all exchange shops temporarily in Qatar.
"Her Excellency Dr. Hanan Mohamed Al Kuwari, Minister of Public Health (MOPH), and His Excellency Mr. Abdulla bin Abdulaziz bin Turki Al-Subaiei, Minister of Municipality and Environment (MME), paid an inspection visit to the Quarantine Complex in Um
Now that the new coronavirus and COVID-19, the illness it causes, are spreading around the world, phrases such as ‘social distancing,’ ‘self-quarantine’ and ‘flattening the curve’ are heard more often.
"Anadolu Dhaka, Bangladesh - Bangladesh imposed a nationwide lockdown Tuesday to curb the spread of the novel coronavirus in the wake of four deaths and at least 39 infections.